Sunday, October 28, 2012

Estate Sale Tools Part 3 Negotiations

The best part of a sale is when you get a good deal! In order to stay in business, I must buy merchandise at a price that I can turn around and make a profit on.  There are many ways that you can get better deals at Estate Sales or even Garage sales.

One way to get a better price is to bundle things. Sellers are much more likely to give you a better deal if they know you are purchasing multiple items. However there is a bit of a trick to getting even a better price here. I always ask if the pricing is firm first. Usually the seller will say well depending on what you get, ,I will make you a deal.  If they don't budge at all on pricing, or even hint at it, then I have a hard time dealing with that seller. I usually only buy what I absolutely have to have and go to the next sale.

With Estate Sales there is usually a multitude of merchandise. Their goal (the company) is to make the most money for the family or seller. They know if you buy a lot of pieces, they are going to make more money so they are usually amenable to giving you a better deal to move that merchandise along.

What I do in a lot of cases is ask what is the best price on this? I let them know I am buying in bulk if applicable and they give me a price. I then put it in my pile I have started. I do this for most pieces. Then we get to the huge pile.  They come up with a price, I will then ask well would you take $$$$ which is less than what they quoted. They look at the pile and know they are going to have to put it back up for one and lose the sale for another if we don't agree. Most will either accept the price or shoot me a price between what they quoted and what I asked for. I then have gotten 2 discounts on the listed price rather than one.

I will do this even on half price days. The only time I will not incorporate this is if I know the price is really low already. I do not want to insult a seller or company. I want to do business with them again and hope they want my business again.  I also let new companies know that I am frequently at sales and that I will be a repeat customer. This can go a long way to getting a bit better pricing.

I am always friendly, courteous and professional in my dealings with these companies. This goes a long way as well. It is in poor form to badmouth pricing or the company about anything at the sale where it can be heard by others.  A little kindness goes a long way. If you find something with a flaw or with damage, bring it to their attention but in a nice way.  They will usually work with you. They are human and there is no way they can inspect every single piece at a sale.

I like to talk to the workers a bit if they are not too busy and get info on their sales and the company if possible. This way a lot of them remember me the next time I go to a sale. They want repeat customers and those who buy several items at each sale. That is their bread and butter.

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