Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Estate Sale Tools-Getting Your Purchases Home! Part 4

Wow now you have gone and bought that beautiful Tiger Oak Dresser and Chest for a wonderful price and it hits you, how in the heck am I going to get it down the stairs and to my truck to take it home? Or maybe you have a Nissan Sentra and there is no way to put that piece on the top and carry it home!

Be prepared to get your purchases home before you go to the sale! Call and ask if they have extra workers there that can help you load big pieces if you are interested in them. If not, ask if you can purchase and have it picked up later. Most companies will allow you to do this as long as it is during sale hours. Some will allow you to get them later if there is a lot of traffic in the home during the sale.

Know what their rules are about this. It will help you make your buying experience more pleasant and also keep the poor company from having stress ulcers! Some companies do have helpers but most do not!!! So do not assume someone will be able to help you tote that 100 pound piece of furniture around.

I have had some real adventures getting pieces out of homes and into my truck.  My truck has looked like something from the Beverly Hillbillies going down the road at times.

Some things you will need in order to take home things such as this are blankets to protect the furniture piece or mirror. There are some drop dead gorgeous mirrors at Estate Sales but if you can't get them home in one piece, it is not a pretty site.

Another thing that is essential are some ropes or bungee cords to tie down the pieces so they do not shift in transit. A third piece that is great to have but not absolutely essential is a dolly to help you cart around pieces.

Learn how to pack things tightly into the back of your truck or SUV if you have one. There is an art to packing. My husband is the best at packing and can get twice as much in the bed of our truck than I can. I am slowly learning but he is the expert at it.  Things that cannot shift around are much less likely to suffer damage on the way home.

A rainproof tarp is another thing that is great to have to cover your purchases for the ride home. Wood can warp and swell if it gets enough moisture exposure. Having it covered keeps it safe and dry.

Once you get home make sure you have enough help to unload your goodies without hurting yourself or them.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Estate Sale Tools Part 3 Negotiations

The best part of a sale is when you get a good deal! In order to stay in business, I must buy merchandise at a price that I can turn around and make a profit on.  There are many ways that you can get better deals at Estate Sales or even Garage sales.

One way to get a better price is to bundle things. Sellers are much more likely to give you a better deal if they know you are purchasing multiple items. However there is a bit of a trick to getting even a better price here. I always ask if the pricing is firm first. Usually the seller will say well depending on what you get, ,I will make you a deal.  If they don't budge at all on pricing, or even hint at it, then I have a hard time dealing with that seller. I usually only buy what I absolutely have to have and go to the next sale.

With Estate Sales there is usually a multitude of merchandise. Their goal (the company) is to make the most money for the family or seller. They know if you buy a lot of pieces, they are going to make more money so they are usually amenable to giving you a better deal to move that merchandise along.

What I do in a lot of cases is ask what is the best price on this? I let them know I am buying in bulk if applicable and they give me a price. I then put it in my pile I have started. I do this for most pieces. Then we get to the huge pile.  They come up with a price, I will then ask well would you take $$$$ which is less than what they quoted. They look at the pile and know they are going to have to put it back up for one and lose the sale for another if we don't agree. Most will either accept the price or shoot me a price between what they quoted and what I asked for. I then have gotten 2 discounts on the listed price rather than one.

I will do this even on half price days. The only time I will not incorporate this is if I know the price is really low already. I do not want to insult a seller or company. I want to do business with them again and hope they want my business again.  I also let new companies know that I am frequently at sales and that I will be a repeat customer. This can go a long way to getting a bit better pricing.

I am always friendly, courteous and professional in my dealings with these companies. This goes a long way as well. It is in poor form to badmouth pricing or the company about anything at the sale where it can be heard by others.  A little kindness goes a long way. If you find something with a flaw or with damage, bring it to their attention but in a nice way.  They will usually work with you. They are human and there is no way they can inspect every single piece at a sale.

I like to talk to the workers a bit if they are not too busy and get info on their sales and the company if possible. This way a lot of them remember me the next time I go to a sale. They want repeat customers and those who buy several items at each sale. That is their bread and butter.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tools Needed For Shopping Estate Sales Part 2

It is really important to go to the estate sale prepared to take care of your purchases. Most places do not have enough boxes or paper or bubble wrap to protect fragile purchases. I always take a couple of boxes or Rubbermaid Totes and enough paper and bubble wrap to pack up anything that I may want to purchase so that it makes the rounds with me safely for the day and of course makes it home in one piece.

It is so disappointing to find that gorgeous figurine or piece of depression glass got bumped up against something else when you hit that last bump in the road and got a nice little chip or crack!  If things are important enough to pay for, then they should be protected for the ride home!

I have a travel pack that goes with me to most Estate Sales. It fits into a tote bag and I can carry it with me while I am shopping. I have even had to stuff things in the bag in order to carry it all to the lady who is accepting money for sales.  Sometimes I feel like I need 4 arms instead of 2!

It is important to really look over pieces prior to purchasing them. A few things that will help in that matter are a magnifying glass or jeweler's loupe.  A quick look at small pieces or for identifying marks will help you immensely.  A small portable black light is great as well if you can carry one to pick up really small cracks in figurines or to check out Vaseline glass for example. I try to carry a tiny flashlight as well. A lot of the homes don't have great lighting. The flashlight will save you the time of carrying a piece out into the daylight or to another room for inspection.

Your two hands are very important when examining items. Taking the time to run your fingers over rims and edges of glass or porcelain will quickly tell you if a small chip or flea bite as they are called are present. You can also feel any type of roughness or difference in seams on glass as well.

Remember to pace yourself when going to a huge sale. You can become junk drunk (overwhelmed) quickly if not careful in these situations.  I try to go to the areas that I want first then work my way from there. This way I am not tired when I am looking at the best pieces in the place or the ones that I came for.

I keep some reference books (travel sized) in my car or truck too. If I run into a pattern or piece I am not real sure of, I can run out to the car and see if I can find it in my books. It gives me a better idea if I want to purchase it or not.  A smart phone with Internet access and Google can help here too in a lot of cases but my handy books have come through much quicker than anything on most days.

Now that you have found what you want how do you get the pieces at a good price? We will discuss some negotiating tricks in Part 3!

DO Not Recycle USPS Priority Boxes!!!!! See what happens!

The United States Post Office offers sellers and other consumers free Priority Boxes for using the Priority Mail Service.  They do not want these boxes used for any other purpose. According to what I have read they consider these boxes as still being owned by the Post Office even after they have been used!

A seller in Tampa, Florida just found out the hard way about this interesting detail when he tried using recycled boxes for international First Class shipments. Here is a link to the news story that was published on this seller's dilemma.

The moral of the story is only use the free materials for what they were intended. Do not try to disguise them, cover them, paint them, or use them for any other purpose.  It will cost you or your customers who will not be happy!

Another thing to point out is if these boxes are misused, the Post Office can stop giving them out to sellers for free usage.  This has already happened in the case of the Priority Mail Tape that the Post Office once gave freely to use.

It was used for everything under the sun which was NOT what it was intended. The Post Office started losing money on this product and stopped giving it to anyone.

I know some people think that this is OK if they use the USPS for their mail no matter how it is done. However let's think about this in the long run.  You are doing yourself a disservice and a lot of other people as well by trying to save a few pennies now.

Let's make it fair and easy for everyone. Do what is right!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Don't Go To An Estate Sale Without Me! Tools for Success At Estate Sales!

Estate sales are being held all year long. If you are picking for reselling purposes and not taking advantage of estate sales, then you are really going to miss out on some super deals you may not find otherwise.  Estate sales can range from someone moving to finding years of wealth from the accumulation of a life long existence.

Estate sales are not all equal. It is very important to do your homework prior to attending any sale. Most sales will list some if not the majority of the items that are going to be offered for sale. Having that knowledge allows you to decide which sales are worth attending. This also gives you an idea as to which sales are the most important to attend first.

The early bird gets the worm is an old adage and is very appropriate when attending estate sales. Some sales  have people lined up around the block waiting to get in. In cases such as these, numbers may be given out to those who get there first, allowing them first choice of all the goodies. Resellers and dealers frequently like to be the first at a good sale.  Make a schedule as to what sales you want to get to that day and then decide your route before going out.

Most large sales will span more than one day.  Even though it is important to be there before all the "good stuff is gone through", there is something to be said for attending sales on the second or third day.  Some sales I will go on the first day to see what is available.  I will purchase anything I think is going to have the likely hood of being snatched up quickly and that is a great price. I also like to write down things that I feel are worthy of purchase but may be more than my budget allows at the time. Always ask what hours the sale will be held.  I also ask if they tend to close up sales early on the last day. One company here is notorious for that and it is very frustrating to get there and they already have things boxed back up!

For those items I wrote down, I may go home and research them to make sure they are what I want and get a better idea exactly what I can pay for them.  I will go back to the sale on the second or third day.  A lot of times these pieces are still there but marked down due to the length of the sale. Most professional companies mark prices down the second or the last day.  It is a good practice to ask the company or worker if they have mark downs on the last day. You may think that there will be nothing of value left on the last day however I have gotten some really good bargains on the half price day of the sale.

Another thing of value is to get to know the companies or persons holding the sales. Most companies will have a notebook or sign in sheet at the register or at the door. Sign up for future sales by that company if you like what you see at the sale.  They will then notify you of upcoming sales so you can be aware and ready for future sales.

Always ask what types of payments the company takes as well. You can email or call ahead of the sale if you are not sure.  Some will want cash only, others will be able to take credit or debit cards. Some companies here still take checks with proper ID if they are on a local bank. Nothing is worse than to find a piece that you have been wanting for awhile and not have the funds needed to purchase it.

Wow this is getting long! I am going to make this two parts. Stay tuned for all the things you need to take with you to the sale in order to make it easy on yourself and your purchases!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hallowwen is HOT!!! Eerie Sppoky Halloween Ideas!

Merchants say that Christmas shopping does not even compare to Halloween shopping anymore. More people are doing elaborate decorations to celebrate the holiday.  You can find some of the greatest things to spook, scare and entertain your guests if you have parties during that time.

We have some great items both for Halloween and Christmas in my store right now.  We have Screeching Sonic Witches whose eyes glow, rocks in her chair, has an eerie laugh and is above all really ugly! We also have a Dancing Frankenstein that is sure to bring a smile to the eyes of your loved ones or those kids who come to see all the cool decor you spend hours on!  Another is our Sonic Dracula who you hang up and he screeches and his eyes glow when he hears noise. What fun!

If you want to see any of this please take a look at my store Kim's Kreations & Rare Finds! We have lots of awesome Vintage Christmas decor and gift ideas as well!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

End of Year Revised Picking

Wow fall is definitely in the air here and it is the time that a lot of picking starts slowing down as many garage and yard sales are coming to the end for the year. A good picker knows that he or she has to make some changes to their routine in order to survive the coming winter.

All is not lost as many venues such as estate auctions, church and community sales will go on year round. Other auctions for vintage and collectible merchandise are held year round as well. Many good items can be gleaned at these places. You just have to do your homework to see where you can get good merchandise for prices that you can live with.

Here is an example of a piece that I got at the last auction I attended.  There was a huge variety of stuff as it was labeled an estate auction. It was more of a moving sale for the family.  There were great items there for very low prices and then there were things that were better left alone. Any time you hit a place like this you are going to see a lot of different  items.

This is true of many of the sales that I attend. One thing that really helps me is to get there early and investigate the things to be auctioned. I handle a lot of the items to get a feel for them. Glass and pottery needs to be examined before the auction.  Other items need to be looked over to see if parts are missing or damage is present.

I got a whole truck load of stuff for a bit over $100. I was a very happy camper! A lot of the items were more run of the mill items but there were some good finds.  One was a nice huge vintage cast iron skillet for $1.00. I also got a vintage Schwinn Searcher bike for $15.

Here is one of the items that I got at that auction that was a sleeper. I thought it was iron until I got up close and personal. Turned out it was a very nice figoral bronze sculpture.  It just sold for a very nice price! Here is the listing for it in my store at Kim's Kreations & Rare Finds   Here is a picture of the sculpture below.

These sold very quickly and they will be shipped out on Monday! I have many more items from that auction I am still in the process of listing. I got some great box lots there that I am going through now. I found a lot of vintage fabric, linens and some vintage Sci Fi books that I think I may put on Amazon for sale.

You just never know what you are going to find unless you actually go there and take a look! It is definitely treasure hunting as you are digging through boxes and bags and other things. What fun!

So what are your plans for picking for the fall and winter months??? I would love to hear from you and see what you are doing to keep your inventory levels up there.  Christmas is coming and it is usually my busiest selling time. I want to make sure I have more than enough stock for my buyers.