One of the not so fun things is cleaning up your merchandise once you get it home. Getting those pesky price stickers off can become a real chore after you do it a hundred times! Goo Gone or Undo are wonderful for getting those stickers off anything except paper. For paper use a Scotty Peeler to get them off quickly.
Once you have that accomplished, you want to clean it up so you can get your photos done. For glass or pottery a quick and easy clean up is to use 25% Murphys Oil Soap and 75% water in a spray bottle. Spray down the item thoroughly and let it sit for a minute then wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth. It will come out nice and sparkly! Glass does not pick up dust nearly as quickly after using this solution.
For stainless flatware I use Worley's Wonder. It is also great for jewelry or any other silver plate or brass item. Just spray it on and wipe it dry.
One of the things that stumped me for awhile was trying to get vintage linens clean or white when they had become yellowed. After much research, I found that soaking them in some borax and water for 24 hours will usually remove any stain and make the linens white and pristine. For really stubborn stains an extra 24 hour soak may be necessary.
Thanks for the borax tip for linens. I have a couple of pillowcases that I will try it on as soon as I get some borax!!