Saturday, August 24, 2013

The World of Vintage Board Games and Reselling

Vintage, classic and new board games can be found in many places. A lot of resellers will pass these beauties by if they are not complete or the box is in bad condition. If you are a part of said sellers,  you are leaving money on the table!

Many of these board games can be purchased for a song.  The most valuable are obscure board games that most people have never heard of.  It is always a great idea to check the value of the board game via Terapeak, Profit Bandit or other research software that can be loaded into your phone or computer.

These games will bring the most money of course if they are complete with instructions. Box condition is important as well. Check out any board game thoroughly prior to purchase for missing pieces or damage that may have been done to the box or the contents themselves. Next use your smeller. Are there any funky odors?  This can be a deal killer for reselling purposes.  If the game is complete and box is in decent condition, purchase it! Chances are it will sell. 

So what do you do if you find a really cool board game but some of the pieces are missing? Do not immediately toss it back into the pile of unwanted merchandise! There is a market for game pieces. People lose pieces all the time. They need replacements.  Selling game pieces can even be more lucrative than selling the game in its entirety.

Second keep games that have missing pieces to complete games you have on hand. This is a way to take a dud game and change it into a money maker.  You can use the pieces from another game to complete those games you have at home. You now have a very good piece of merchandise for your store.

Third many crafters purchase game pieces for repurposing.  Go take a look at Pinterest for all the wonderful art projects that can be made with game pieces.  Here is a link to some of the ways game pieces can be used for repurposing

Think outside of the box. It will make you more money and a successful business owner!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Board Games...........A thing of the past? Not Really!

Anyone over the age of 30 probably remembers sitting at the table with their family playing some type of board game. Some of my fondest memories include hot chocolate, Monopoly and some heated arguments over who got Park Place and Boardwalk! Times have changed and the average kid today would probably look at you sideways if you asked them to sit down to play a board game!

However are board games really a thing of years gone by? Well the makers of Monopoly must think so as they have done the unthinkable in my humble opinion. Later this year there will be no more classic Monopoly games made. A shorter, easier version  of the game will be launched. No more Park Place, Boardwalk or Reading Railroad. Kids will be trading stocks and bonds. Popular products such as Coca Cola will be featured.

I know that we cannot stick our heads in the sand but it seems that something that has worked for over 50 years should not be adulterated such as this! At least do not call it Monopoly anymore. Let us baby boomers and other adults have our fond memories!  Many of us today need that real interaction of the kitchen table and family.  Talking, having a good time, and being with each other is slowly becoming a thing of the past. We do not need to keep moving in this direction.

Some things should not be changed such as classic Monopoly. Many other adults agree. They are taking action to keep the theme going. There are groups who meet on a weekly basis to play classic board games at public places. These people are trying to keep the idea of the board game as well as the atmosphere of people gathering and being social in person alive.

So how do you feel about all of this? Do you feel it is the death of an era as we knew it? Are you going to fight to keep it alive?